Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Learning and eating

I'm having internet problems as usual, but will find a cafe to load more photos. Today's lunch was nopal cactus with a dressing made of chilis and worms. It was very delicious! The archeologist Marcus Winter was our speaker today. Wait till you see the cave they found with sculpted bodies.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Codex Borgia


We were required to buy or download over 30 books on MesoAmerican Codices. I bought two copies of the Codex Borgia so I could cut and tape it together as the screenfold it was designed to be,
As a former book designer, I know nothing is random. After studying the Zapotecs and Mixtecs, people who built buildings to point towards Venus in the year 600, nothing was random for them either. It didn't make sense to me to "read" it as a typical European, spine on the left kind of book. These codices were sometimes hung on the wall, fully extended. Clearly page relationship was important. The original was broken into two parts. pages 1-38 and 39-76. I did the same. Cutting the pages into 7.5 in squares and taping them together.